Basic info:

A platformer with a hidden twist. Follow the (de-)development of the game, and experience the troubles and fun of game-jamming with a group of friends.

This game was created for the 1-bit gamejam and the theme was: You Start With Everything And End With Nothing. We chose to show the player the develpment of the game, but in the reverse order. At the beginning, everything works perfectly, you start with everything polished and completed, but that wasn't the case all the way. The more bugs, the more fun!  


  • Movement left-right: A, D
  • (Double )jump: Space
  • Dash: Shift
  • Reset level: R
  • Other: LMB click (to turn on/off sounds, reset level, quit the game (the downloaded version))

The group of friends mentioned earlier (credits):

Cozy Games Studio 

   Jan Kutalek - john333 - level design

   Filip Barva - Barevnej - programming

   Dan Juricek - ItsKita - programming, audio design

   Tereza Langova - Langosh - art, UI design

All the assets were created by us including code, art, sound effects and music.


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de-developed Gameplay

Hello, thank you for playing our game! If you wanted to get further, I just wanted to point out that there is a dash mechanic. You just need to press shift. Also, the game is more of a narrative one, so the main point is the dialogues - I believe they could entertain you. They capture our development process and also tell you about the game controls at the tutorial level.


I love it <3